Proxy Preview is the #1 resource for shareholders looking to align their values and corporate engagement.

Proxy Preview is the most comprehensive data on hundreds of shareholder resolutions - including environmental, corporate political spending, human rights, diversity, sustainable governance issues, and much more.

Shareholder resolutions are a key form of engagement for U.S. investors interested in changing the environmental and social impacts of companies. 


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Illinois State Treasurer

Sustainable Investing Is Just Common Sense. Don’t Believe the Demagogues

Don’t believe the conservative hype. The campaign against sustainable investing is a scheme propped up by special interest groups, shady billionaires, and the fossil fuel industry. It has no future among investors, fund managers or anyone who wants to protect their money from foreseeable risks.

Still, I’m deeply concerned by the highly orchestrated attacks on the investment profession and the focus on restricting investors’ freedom to exercise their professional discretion and fiduciary duty.

We’re pushing back. The facts are on our side. Read More


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