Proxy Preview 2025: Sponsorship Form

Sponsors make this invaluable public resource possible. We recognize our sponsors in the Proxy Preview report, webinar, and on our website.

Final date to be included in the Proxy Preview is January 24, 2025.

Early Bird registration: Sponsorships received by November 30, 2024 will receive benefits at the next highest level.

Previous supporters include The Accountability Board, Arjuna Capital, Boston Trust Walden, Calvert Research and Management, ClearBridge Investments, Domini Impact Investments, Fiduciary Trust International, Future 500, Harrington Investments, Miller Howard Investments, Natixis Investment Managers, Nia Impact Capital, Northstar Asset Management, Parnassus Investments, Raymond James, Rose Foundation, Singing Field Foundation, The Sustainability Group, The Nathan Cummings Foundation, Trillium Asset Management, Troop, Veris Wealth Partners, and Zevin Asset Management.

Proxy Premiere
(*=Limited to 1)
Proxy Promoter
Proxy Player
Proxy Pal
Featured Sponsor on the Proxy Preview website & webinar
Full page or back cover* advertisement
Half page advertisement
Quarter page advertisement
Verbal mention in ProxyPreview webinar
Company logo, name, and 125 word description in publication sponsor page
Company logo displayed on inside cover
Logo recognition on

Please return form and payment to:

Forest Resener, Development Sr. Coordinator
As You Sow
11461 San Pablo Avenue, Suite 400 | El Cerrito, CA 94530 • (510) 735-8158 x 733

Make your payment online

Submit your Form.
Click on this Payment Link to the Donate page.
Choose “Other” for payment amount.