Other Social Issues
Individuals offered three other proposals on a miscellany of social issues, but none will go to votes.
Richard M. Brown asked AT&T to keep its landlines, saying “I wish seniors and everyone to have a choice keeping landline service.” The company had argued at the SEC that this dealt with ordinary business because it was too detailed and was moot. An omission appeared likely, but Brown withdrew before the SEC responded.
Andrew Dale asked that General Electric’s “CEO must immediately resign from the Manufacturing Jobs Initiative,” set up by President Trump, reasoning connection to Trump posed reputational harm to the company. While GE successfully challenged the proposal at the SEC because Dale failed to substantiate his stock ownership, the resolution also became moot when members of the council resigned en masse after the President’s remarks following the Charlottesville, Virginia neo-Nazi assembly in August, prompting Trump to disband this and other similar councils.
Finally, TD Ameritrade successfully argued against a resolution from Kelly Dean Warfield that proposed the company’s shareholders should have the right to own its financial products. The company said the resolution could be excluded on ordinary business grounds. The proponent, a long-term prison inmate still in jail, argued he should be allowed to hold a brokerage account with TD Ameritrade, but the company contended doing business with an inmate violated its policies, among numerous other arguments.