Big Oil Tax Dodging, Transparency and Standards

This year, Oxfam America and co-filers have filed a series of new tax transparency proposals at extractive industry giants ExxonMobil, Chevron and ConocoPhillips, requesting that the companies disclose country-by-country financial information in line with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. This disclosure would reveal key insights for investors seeking to evaluate a company’s risk profile, including information surrounding revenues, profits, losses and tax payments.

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Russian Military's Reliance on Dual-Use Components Exposes Companies to Human Rights Risks

The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has already resulted in more than 69,000 Russian war crimes and crimes of aggression registered by the Office of Prosecutor General of Ukraine. In addition, 18,900 Ukrainians have been killed or injured, and millions more have been forced to flee their homes. With this humanitarian crisis, investor concerns have grown about the human rights risks faced by companies with operations and/or value chain activities in conflict-affected and high-risk areas

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A Framework for Evaluating Goals and Risks of Corporate Political Spending

Companies today face a high-risk landscape for their political spending and its impact. The crisis that confronts U.S. democracy and the gridlock blocking action on a broad range of issues from climate change to voting, women’s reproductive rights, guns and even democracy itself has put front and center the role of company political spending in contributing to the breakdown.

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Railroad Workers' Lack of Paid Sick Leave Puts Employees, Public and Investors at Risk

Impact Shares considers paid sick leave (PSL) to represent an important human capital investment critical to investors, as well as a racial and gender equity concern.  Filing a shareholder proposal at Norfolk Southern railways requesting that the company adopt a PSL policy as a standard benefit was the first step in leveraging our position as an ETF issuer representing leading social and environmental advocacy organizations.

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Illegally Captured Primates Used in Animal Testing Pose Health and Investor Risks

Animal testing behemoth Charles River Laboratories is one of the largest importers of monkeys into the U.S., each year bringing in thousands of monkeys – mostly long-tailed macaques – from Southeast Asia and Mauritius. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has classified long-tailed macaques as “endangered,” identifying the U.S. experimentation industry as a major driver pushing these monkeys toward extinction.

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Increase in EEO-1 Data Reporting Shows Positive Link Between Diversity and Financial Performance

A report released by As You Sow and Whistle Stop Capital in November 2022 assessed the data from 277 EEO-1 reports, looking at the link between workforce diversity and corporate financial performance. In line with our hypothesis and others’ previous research, the analysis found that financial metrics, like return on equity and net profit, were associated with higher levels of diversity in management.

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Companies Taking a Closer Look at How Racial Inequity Affects Their Workers, Customers and Shareholders

The third anniversary of the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police officers is fast approaching. We are reminded of the work we began nearly three years ago by filing Racial Equity Audit (REA) shareholder proposals and how much work remains. The police killings of Black people across the U.S. continue to galvanize the movement for racial justice, and corporations continue to be held accountable socially and legally for their role in furthering the economic and political repression of nonwhite communities.

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Record Number of Proposals Address Threats to Reproductive Health Care

Investors working with Rhia Ventures filed a record 30 proposals this proxy season to advance comprehensive and reproductive health care, double the number from the 2022 proxy season. The subject matter of the proposals expanded from last year’s focus on risk mitigation and political spending misalignment to include a number of new areas of concern that have intensified since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion in June 2022.

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