Increase in EEO-1 Data Reporting Shows Positive Link Between Diversity and Financial Performance

A report released by As You Sow and Whistle Stop Capital in November 2022 assessed the data from 277 EEO-1 reports, looking at the link between workforce diversity and corporate financial performance. In line with our hypothesis and others’ previous research, the analysis found that financial metrics, like return on equity and net profit, were associated with higher levels of diversity in management.

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Board Diversity Disclosure Identifies Leaders and Laggards

Boards are becoming more diverse and detailed disclosure provides a critical window into progress. Boards that are both diverse and inclusive offer multiple ways to look at strategy and risk and a lower likelihood of groupthink. Their selection process extends beyond the board’s immediate network and diverse boards connect companies to communities that represent large swaths of its customers, employees and/or business locations. For investors and also for researchers, the more specific the company’s disclosures, the easier it is to assess board composition compared to the demographics of key stakeholders and society at large.

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